Alicia LaValle


Alicia LaValle – MLA

Future Delta 2.0 Project Coordinator
Department of Forest Resources Management, Faculty of Forestry
UBC’s Centre for Interactive Research and Sustainability (CIRS)
3321 – 2260 West Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Telephone #: 604-822-4148

Email: [email protected]


Alicia manages the collaboration between the research teams and the larger community coordinating educational outreach, game development and research design. Alicia’s professional background is in Landscape Architecture (MLA, University of Michigan School of Natural Resources) with a focus on landscape ecology, restoration and mapping. Her undergraduate degrees include a BFA in Photography and a BA in Biological-Anthropology. Her work experience includes working with industry, government and non-profits in conservation planning, habitat restoration design/build management and environmental education in both North and South America. Her current MSc research in Delta BC focuses on climate change vulnerabilities within the industrial sector and the integration of eco-industrial networks into adaptation planning.
